March 2020 | Wels (AT)COVID-19 | A Message from Kraftwerk Living Technologies

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Wels, 19 March 2020.

COVID-19 is having a major effect on our lives – personal and business alike. The team of Kraftwerk Living Technologies is closely monitoring the local as well as global situation and is continuously adapting plans and informing employees and customers accordingly. We are taking a positive approach to maintain all activities whilst minimizing the risk of contact.

Keeping Our Clients Connected and Serving their Needs
Kraftwerk LT has a business that is built on a strong IT backbone and processes. We have taken clear steps to ensure our systems are robust and allow us to continue business, providing designs, facility and building impact and project management services to all our on-going and new projects worldwide.

We have various communications systems in place that are configured and tested for remote work and meetings, and can support client meetings and projects with online conferences.

Our Service team continues to monitor our supported projects and is available to react quickly to any issues on project sites, with rapid IT support and advice. And whilst we appreciate the decision of some of our clients that are closing their venues to the public, we also support those customers that are choosing to undertake on-going maintenance, improvements and updates in this time.

Whilst there may be some alterations as well as limitations in the supply of goods, many of our partner manufacturers are still supplying products as well as support. Also, a small team is available in our warehouse and workshop facilities to ensure the supply whilst at the same time ensuring the safety of our employees.

Until further notice, we have to advise that we cannot support customers on site, to ensure the safety of our team as well as the safety of your employees and to adhere to government advice and regulations. We will however be ready to return to sites as soon as possible and reasonable for all involved parties.
Our commercial and sales teams are available at any time and ready to work on exciting new projects and prospects, along with the engineering support to develop budgets, proposals and progress contracts.

Supporting our Employees
We’ve also been working to keep our employees as safe as possible, including advising those who can work from home to do so. As a service provider, we also need to continue to be there for our clients. We have thus established a support structure for our employees in roles that cannot be done from home to ensure they can follow public health guidance or stay at home for their families if the need arises.

Whilst we apologize for any inconvenience arising from our absence on project sites, we strongly believe that it is in everyone’s interest to make health and the well-being of each person the top priority. Our team is nonetheless dedicated to supporting you all through this unprecedented time.  We ask our customers and employees to stay safe at all times – you can count on Kraftwerk Living Technologies’ support!

Best regards
Manfred Meier, CEO & Christian Hofer, CTO



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